The art of advertising a Boston condo for sale

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The art of advertising a Boston condo for sale

I was recently was watching a re-run of one of my all-time favorite shows Mad Men. The episode was about how Sterling Cooper had to create an advertising pitch for the cigarette company Lucky Strikes. The problem, Lucky Strikes executives wanted to pitch that cigarettes were safe, but the FDA wouldn’t allow it.

Now, back to our Boston condo for sale market, my sellers want me to convince potential condominium buyers that the market is strong and the economy for 2023 is healthy. Like the show Mad Men, I’m facing some headwinds, the powers to be, that being the economist, state that the economy is heading into a recession.

As in the episode of Mad Men, I need to strategize and come up with a viable advertising pitch that will make sense to both Boston condo buyers and sellers.

Let’s see what Don Draper from Mad Men came up with:

Boston condo for sale for cigarette users

In the above episode, Don Draper shows how Lucky Strike can combat the manipulative media by stating that Lucky Strikes cigarettes’ are toasted when made

The keyword toasted. Now, the economist state we’re heading into a recession. They also said last year that mortgage rates would be 3%. One can say the economist reputations have been toasted with last years predictions.

Boston condos for sale and the bottom line

Now stay with me here, as I take the liberty of the verbiage of the video above; What is advertising? Advertising is based upon one thing, happiness. What is happiness? Happiness is the smell of walking into your new condo. it’s saying your safe, you’re okay, you succeeded in your dream.

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