Though he began his musical journey with trepidation, Dom the Composer’s sound is now overflowing with soul, embracing tenderness in his latest release.
Hypnotic piano chords emerge in the first moments of “Glass Box.” Dom the Composer floats over the top of them with heart wrenching lyrics, embellished with delicate inflections. In his latest release, the Lowell-based composer portrays the eternal marriage between love and pain, upholding joy and despair equally; Dom the Composer mixes up a cocktail of emotions that accompany the revisiting of ecstatic and anguished memories.
Suspense fills the gaps between lyrics as the song slowly builds, layering orchestral strings and piano lines. Cutting off right at the it’s mostly climactic moment, “Glass Box” leaves the listener on a cliffhanger. Dom is known for his intoxicating blend of R&B, gospel, folk, and most importantly, his disarming voice, offering up lyric-focused songs cushioned with smooth piano, jazz influenced harmonies, and heartfelt emotion.
Though he sounds like a complete natural, Dom’s first steps on his musical path were reluctant, compelled by his mother to audition for the All Saints Choir for Men and Boys in Ashmont. Dom was rooted to the spot, refusing to audition; all of that changed when his best friend showed up for the same audition, giving Dom the courage to get up there. Dom continues to sing with the choir, taking part in their Christmas masses, amongst other staple concerts each year.