How many Realtors are in Massachusetts?

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How many Realtors are in Massachusetts?

How many Realtors in the U.S.?

There are more Realtors than ever. 1.599,135 to be exact in the U,S. That is for up 2.72% from a year ago.

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Boston condos for sale

How many Realtors are there in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, there are 25,769 members up from September 2021.

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Boston condos

Are all Boston condo agents Realtors?

Not all real estate agents are Realtors. Not all real estate licensees sell real estate nor do all Realtors.

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Boston condos

How many homes sold in the U.S.?

There were over 7 million homes sold in 2005. Home sales have been down from that every year since at around 5.5 million. They rose in 2021 to 6.12 million and are projected to be 5.95 million this year and 6.07 million next year.

It is important to keep in mind that 2021 was a good year for home sales, which means that the numbers for 2022 will be lower and so will the numbers for 2023.

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will there be more Realtors next year?

There is some speculation that the number of Realtors will decline next year. Generally, membership does decline after several months of decreases in home sales but membership numbers are also influenced by the unemployment rate. If there are fewer jobs more people become real estate agents.

Most real estate agents are independent contractors and work on a 100% commission basis with no benefits.  Commissions are not guaranteed and are only paid after the successful closing of a home sale.

A person needs a real estate license to sell real estate for others for a fee but does not need to be a member of the National Association of Realtors.

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From a fellow real estate blogger:

Earlier today I was chatting with a random stranger. Oddly enough the topic of real estate came up. Random stranger said he’d often pondered getting his real estate license.

I tried to wave the guy off, but he wouldn’t listen.

He asked me a question that I couldn’t answer…

How many Realtors are there per capita, and how does Arizona compare to other states?

Here are the results:

Click chart to enlarge.

I thought it would be interesting to see where Massachusetts would rank on this list. I mean lets face it, everyone I seem to meet is either; student, lawyer or Realtor (I think I need to socialize more).

Based on the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Monthly Membership Report for July 2010, Massachusetts has 19,422 Realtors. According to the U.S. Census Bureau Massachusetts has a population of 6,593,587. If I calculate (I hope I don’t mess this up) there is one Realtor for every 339 people living in Massachusetts.

File Under: We need a larger population.

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